Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Environmental Statutory Shift in Planning †

Question: Discuss about the Environmental Statutory Shift in Planning. Answer: Introduction Tourism in Bega Valley Shire is managed by the Board of Sapphire Coast Tourism Ltd, a non profit organization established by Bega Valley Shire Council in 2008. The Board members are volunteers and the constitution of the Board is a mix of community and tourism industry representatives. A councilor from Bega Valley Shire Council attends board meetings, as do council staff from time to time. It is not the Boards role to market and promote tourism businesses. That task is for the individual businesses and their representative bodies. The Boards role is set out in the company constitution. The first objective is: To identify and promote the regions compelling visitor experiences to maximize the social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing of the community through sustainable tourism (Council, 2015) Growing Tourism in the Bega Valley Economy The key issues identified in this discussion are that the potential that tourism impact on the social and economic well being on the Bega Valley community. There has been growth in this tourism economy compared to the rest. Under the existing funding options the tourisms economy has increased, the efforts have been made for expansion of the avenues so that sustainable sources of revenues are formed. In the Bega Valley recommendation are made so that the economy capitalize on the growth potential of the tourism. The region of Bega Valley relies mostly on the domestic market which is dominant on the 96% of the visitors. Out of them only 78% are those which are of the age group of 35years.There is International tourists who travel in this place throughout the year. The statistics show that there are over 2314000 visits in the year 2014.The Government made many strategies so as to increase the number of tourists in the area. The key to success in tourism is to present and show those special areas which make the places attractive ad irresistible to the tourists and hereby the Bega beach valley is sold for beach holidays and for spending beach holidays (Council, 2014). The economy earns mostly from tourism since the coastal destination is sold to attract the tourists. This beach is used as Australias top tourists place. The key motivator is the attraction to the areas undeveloped natural environment and the opportunities to explore the region. The report considers the current average occupancy rate which is only 45%.The other factor for increasing the tourism industry; it is a region for low volume and high yield region. The visitors of the region are highly educated and seek experience based on their heritage, culture and food preferences (Council, 2014). Strength, weakness and effectiveness of the place Use of digital media and internet: the travel decision made by the visitors is based on the attraction in the social media and internet. Most of the visitors make their travel arrangement through internet. Hence the digital strategy is the best strategy which increases the quality and decreases the cost to the management (Goff et al, 2016). Social media strategy: this strategy focuses on advertising media on social media and this is how it helps them to combat the rapid growth and competition in the tourism sector. The digital manager helps in the day to day engagement with social media assets. Heritage tourism strategy: This strategy focuses on the growth potential in the constrained market. The cultural and natural heritage is interpreted all across the Bega Valley. This program helps in the planning and product development. Knowledge of Journey Programs: The journeys are presented in themes, to cater for visitors with particular interests. The journeys comprise high quality site and route information that will reach visitors through visitor information outlets, accommodation providers and the Internet. Management of tourism Sapphire Coast Tourism has had demonstrable success with initiatives under the tourism strategy thus far. The area has reached its performance and the available resources are not possible to to capture all the opportunities and expand for new areas of visitor services and product development unless an additional and sustainable revenue source can be secured. Statistics show that a rural place in Eurobodallas being the largest industry valued in 2013 at $367 million per year to the local economy and employing directly or indirectly up to 25% of the entire workforce. Council is a major supporter of the tourism industry and has developed the Eurobodalla Destination Management Plan 2011-2020 to guide its role in the industry. Council also maintains a Tourism Advisory Committee to ensure it gets detailed feedback from the industry on the priorities of the Destination Management Plan (Bubanja, inÃ… ¾ar-Sekulic and Stevanovic, 2016). The main aim of the Committee is to plan in the following ways: Help grow tourism Help in the sustainable and competitive tourisms Grow in the range and quality of tourism Attract the tourists investment The Plan outcomes of direct relevance to land use planning and hence the Eurobodalla Rural Land Strategy have detailed the directions of the plan, in particular sustainable tourism development, tourist product and development and infrastructure development. Strength, weakness and effectiveness of the place It has been found that tourism in the rural areas of Shire are playing a major role in the improvement of the economy and thereby allowing the land owners to diversify their activities. There are developments in the urban areas such as apartments where a proportion would be for holiday letting but the breakup of short and long term letting is not available (Walker, 2016). The Australian Register makes a report which shows that urban areas has 182 business whereas the rural having only 25 registered business. Eurobodalla contains an extensive range of rural tourism assets much of which is land conserved as National Park or State Forest. These lands not only provide visitor destinations, some offer accommodation options, but they add to the natural landscape values which help underpin Eurobodalla tourism strengths as do the Shires agricultural landscapes. The strength for the places business is that Eurobodalla has been conserved as National Park or State Forest. Other factors include the coastal and marine landscape which is dominated by the fishing and boating business. The establishment of Batemans Marine Park, located between Murramarang Beach and Wallaga Lake on the South Coast, that offers residents and visitors opportunities for leisure and recreational activities. Knowledge relating to tourism planning environments Continue to diversify, develop and promote tourism product offerings and experiences that are innovative, and aligned with farm and nature?based experiences and lifestyle attributes of the area; Encourage and support the development and interpretation of local indigenous tours, heritage, cultural, and local food experiences; Encourage and attract new tourism operators and entrepreneurs to the area; Encourage the development of visitors accommodation and to diversity the experiences to encourage year?round visitation Comparison of the two discussion papers Eurobodalla Destination place is a rural destination which focuses and concentrates on the National Parks and Forestry Corporation on projects such as Nature Walks program, the Corn trail (from the Clyde Mountain to Bolero Valley) and the Bingi Dreaming track (Eurobodalla National Park). It is essential to protect the Shires environmental values which have been identified as a key attractor for Eurobodalla nature based tourism and an important contributor to the Shires amenity and economy. Whereas in Bega Valley is very popular for these reasons , that is firstly for the National research identified heritage tourism as having the only growth potential in the constrained domestic market as this region is well endowed with cultural and natural heritage that can be interpreted and presented in all areas across the Bega Valley. Secondly The Heritage Strategy guides programs and planning for product development and community engagement in delivery of heritage experiences. The first herita ge infrastructure program was the development of the Killer Whale Trail in Eden (Council, 2013). Impacts of Tourism in the market Revenues to the Government are derives from conservation of the natural areas and to wildlife which includes the marine environment and the development of national and regional parks and reserves as major attraction. Revenues derived from the archaeological and historic sites as tourist attraction which may have otherwise disappeared Improvement from environmental quality and the tourism which provides the incentive to clean up the environment through controlling air, water, noise and visual pollution, reducing congestion and upgrading overall appearance with suitable landscaping and building design. Increment of the environment and awareness to the local community when residents and especially young people observe tourists interest in conservation (Wray, 2013). Reflection of learning on tourism planning The primary benefit from the offer is to consider complex consideration that influences tourism and heritage to achieve the interest and get positive results. It encourages: me to learn so that there is better communication and there is good communication between stakeholders and heightened understanding of different issue with higher quality tourism products and increased support that derive from local communities. It thereby helps in the minimal and managed impacts which help in the increased awareness of natural and cultural heritage for staff, communities and guests. Thus it helps me have an overall knowledge which will help me in the following: Assists in defining tourism which is a distinct economic sector, Provide a measurement or the level of tourism related economic activity To trace the amount of relationship between tourism and the economy. Thus this would provide for the basis of estimating the reason and impact of tourism on gross domestic product and employment and the external account (Kelly, 2016,). References Council, B.V.S., 2015. Shark Sighting Pambula Beach. Council, B.V.S., 2014. Algal bloomns return to South Coast beaches. Council, B.V.S., 2014. Tourism summit to pave the way. Goff, J., Knight, J., Sugawara, D. and Terry, J.P., 2016. Anthropogenic disruption to the seismic driving of beach ridge formation: The Sendai coast, Japan.Science of the Total Environment,544, pp.18-23. Bubanja, N., inÃ… ¾ar-Sekulic, J. and Stevanovic, V., 2016. Assessing the influence of environmental parameters on aquatic plants of ponds in the hinterland of Long Beach in Montenegro.Limnetica,35(2), pp.385-396. Walker, J., 2016.How rural communities take action to develop sustainable and healthy communities(Doctoral dissertation, Flinders University, Adelaide). Council, E.S., 2013. Rural Lands Issues Paper. Wray, M., 2013. Protected areas and sustainable tourism planning: The case of Eurobodalla shire, Australia.CAUTHE 2013: Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big, p.945. Kelly, A.H., 2016, February. An Overview of the Coastal Management in the Planning System of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, at the Local Government Level: Is an Environmental Statutory Shift in Planning Law Overdue?. InGeography Research Forum(Vol. 34, pp. 9-22).

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